Data repositories in the Humanities and the Semantic Web: modelling, linking, visualising
The paper discusses the inherent potential of the Semantic Web and its related technologies for humanities research. The focal point lies on the extraction of semantic relations from heterogeneous XML based scholarly corpora using a webservice based infrastructure (XTriples). Especially the creation of methodologically distinct semantic corpora stemming from data sets originating in the humanities will be discussed. During this discussion, questions of modelling, linking, and visualising data from the humanities will be tackled as well. Finally, opportunities for further analysis and visualisation of semantically modelled data in the humanities are exemplarily presented and discussed.
منابع مشابه
ModRef Project: Data Migration into CIDOC-CRM Triplestores and Factorisation
ModRef is a project from the laboratory Labex ”Les passés dans le présent”, which coordinates various projects on digital humanities. ModRef focuses more precisely on the semantic web and linked open data. The goal is to move heterogeneous data into triplestores also called data warehouses or collections of RDF files in order to improve the sharing, exchange and discovery of new knowledge. For ...
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Researchers have been interested recently in publishing and linking Humanities datasets following Linked Data principles. This has given rise to some issues that complicate the semantic modelling, comparison, combination and longitudinal analysis of these datasets. In this research proposal we discuss three of these issues: representation roundtripping, concept drift, and contextual knowledge. ...
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